Projects include
- This website
- This is running off of my personal unix server
- I made this site so I could track the NFL and NCAAM bets and see how they were performing
- WordPress is a really easy application to make a website. I am no developer, I couldn’t have done this without WP
- NFL Picks
- I am predicting the margin for an NFL game, then using the prediction to make bets (both moneyline and against the spread)
- The prediction is made from a combination of linear and logarithmic modelling
- I utilized an NFL database to get games and web scraping to get current spreads and stats
- I have an automated code that posts the results and upcoming picks each week
- The page is updated during games to show the status of the bets
- NCAAB Picks
- I am predicting the margin for NCAAM games, then using the prediction to make bets (both moneyline and against the spread)
- The prediction is made from a KNN model, which compares new games to similar past games and averages the outcomes of the similar games
- I created a database of March Madness games, stats about the teams from multiple websites, and the results of those games
- The hardest part of this process was aligning school names from different data sources
- NCAA TweetBot
- This Twitter bot tweets the schedule of ranked matchups, as well as 15 minute reminders before game time
- I webscrape ESPN to identify the upcoming NCAAF and NCAAMB games where both teams are ranked
- I made a Twitter account to tweet these matchups out at 11 AM EST that day
- In your Twitter app, you can set notifications for when this account tweets anything
- MLB TweetBot
- This Twitter bot tweets when several key baseball plays happen
- I really enjoy when pitchers get hits, and then I allowed scope creep to take over
- I used a module that gets real time MLB stats
- I tweet out real time events, as well as a weekly summary
Decommissioned projects:
March Madness Predictor- The more college basketball I watch, the worse my brackets are
- My brackets were terrible, so I am no longer making them
- The NCAAB Picks was born from the ashes of this project