Results From Tuesday, February 11th

I picked 80.00% of games straight up and 60.00% against the spread correctly:
The ML Bets were: +1.30 units
The ATS Bets were: +0.64 units

Away Team Spread Home Team Final Score To Win To Cover ML Bet ATS Bet
#13 Penn State 4.5 Purdue PSU 88 – PUR 76 Purdue Purdue
#12 Kentucky -12.0 Vanderbilt UK 78 – VAN 64 #12 Kentucky #12 Kentucky
Mississippi State -1.0 Ole Miss MSST 58 – MISS 83 Mississippi State Mississippi State Mississippi State
Fordham 14.0 Davidson FOR 49 – DAV 79 Davidson Davidson Fordham
Bowling Green 7.0 Akron BGSU 59 – AKR 74 Akron Akron Akron
Miami (OH) 9.0 Toledo M-OH 57 – TOL 65 Toledo Miami (OH)
Eastern Michigan 6.5 Central Michigan EMU 73 – CMU 70 Eastern Michigan Eastern Michigan Eastern Michigan Eastern Michigan
Western Michigan 6.5 Ohio WMU 61 – OHIO 73 Ohio Western Michigan
St. Bonaventure -8.0 Saint Joseph’s SBU 74 – JOES 56 St. Bonaventure Saint Joseph’s Saint Joseph’s
Arkansas 2.5 Tennessee ARK 61 – TENN 82 Tennessee Arkansas
Northern #22 Illinois 7.5 Ball State NIU 59 – BALL 63 Ball State Northern #22 Illinois
Rhode Island 10.0 #6 Dayton URI 67 – DAY 81 #6 Dayton Rhode Island
North Carolina -2.0 Wake Forest UNC 57 – WAKE 74 Wake Forest Wake Forest Wake Forest
Nebraska 17.0 #9 Maryland NEB 70 – MD 72 #9 Maryland #9 Maryland #9 Maryland
Michigan State -2.0 #22 Illinois MSU 70 – ILL 69 Michigan State Michigan State
Missouri 11.0 #25 LSU MIZ 78 – #25 LSU #25 LSU Missouri
Air Force 10.5 Boise State AFA 57 – BSU 74 Boise State Boise State
Notre Dame 4.5 Virginia ND 49 – UVA 50 Virginia Virginia
Utah State -2.0 Colorado State USU 75 – CSU 72 Utah State Colorado State
New Mexico 16.0 #4 San Diego State UNM 59 – SDSU 82 #4 San Diego State #4 San Diego State #4 San Diego State

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Results From Monday, February 10th

I picked 75.00% of games straight up and 46.67% against the spread correctly:
The ML Bets were: -1.00 units
The ATS Bets were: -3.18 units

Away Team Spread Home Team Final Score To Win To Cover ML Bet ATS Bet
#8 Florida State 7.5 #7 Duke FSU 65 – DUKE 70 #7 Duke #7 Duke
Campbell 1.5 Longwood CAM 56 – LONG 57 Campbell Campbell
High Point 11.5 Gardner-Webb HPU 55 – WEBB 86 Gardner-Webb High Point High Point
UNC Asheville 2.0 Hampton UNCA 70 – HAMP 80 Hampton UNC Asheville
Radford 7.5 Winthrop RAD 81 – WIN 77 Winthrop Radford
Colgate 2.0 Boston University COLG 79 – BU 63 Boston University Colgate
Howard 12.5 Bethune-Cookman HOW 68 – BCU 87 Bethune-Cookman Howard Howard Howard
Maryland-Eastern Shore 10.0 Coppin State UMES 67 – COPP 68 Coppin State Maryland-Eastern Shore Maryland-Eastern Shore
Delaware State 10.0 South Carolina State DSU 86 – SCST 100 South Carolina State Delaware State Delaware State
North Carolina Central -1.0 Morgan State NCCU 58 – MORG 57 North Carolina Central Morgan State
Alcorn State 4.0 Grambling ALCN 71 – GRAM 80 Grambling Grambling Grambling
Alabama State -4.5 Arkansas-Pine Bluff ALST 57 – UAPB 49 Alabama State Arkansas-Pine Bluff Arkansas-Pine Bluff
#1 Baylor -6.0 Texas BAY 52 – TEX 45 #1 Baylor Texas
Portland State 9.0 Northern Colorado PRST 83 – UNCO 71 Northern Colorado Northern Colorado Northern Colorado
TCU 10.0 #24 Texas Tech TCU 42 – TTU 88 #24 Texas Tech TCU
Southern 3.0 Jackson State SOU 51 – JKST 67 Jackson State Jackson State

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Results From Sunday, February 9th

I picked 66.67% of games straight up and 33.33% against the spread correctly:
The ML Bets were: -1.00 units
The ATS Bets were: -4.09 units

Away Team Spread Home Team Final Score To Win To Cover ML Bet ATS Bet
#19 Butler 3.5 Marquette BUT 57 – MARQ 76 Marquette #19 Butler #19 Butler
Cincinnati -2.0 UConn CIN 71 – CONN 72 Cincinnati UConn
Samford 18.0 UNC Greensboro SAM 67 – UNCG 95 UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro
Ohio State 1.5 Wisconsin OSU 57 – WIS 70 Wisconsin Wisconsin
Tulsa 2.0 UCF TLSA 75 – UCF 83 Tulsa Tulsa Tulsa
Iona 2.5 Fairfield IONA 78 – FAIR 54 Fairfield Fairfield
Saint Peter’s 4.5 Monmouth SPU 81 – MONM 69 Monmouth Saint Peter’s
Niagara 9.5 Rider NIAG 58 – RID 73 Rider Niagara
Princeton -3.5 Columbia PRIN 81 – CLMB 74 Princeton Columbia
Pennsylvania -5.0 Cornell PENN 79 – COR 73 Pennsylvania Cornell Cornell
Manhattan 1.5 Quinnipiac MAN 65 – QUIN 63 Quinnipiac Manhattan
Evansville 12.5 Bradley EVAN 58 – BRAD 69 Bradley Evansville Evansville Evansville
George Mason 1.5 UMass GMU 67 – MASS 69 UMass George Mason
Wichita State 5.0 #25 Houston WICH 43 – HOU 76 #25 Houston Wichita State
Valparaiso 8.5 Loyola Chicago VAL 68 – L-IL 70 Loyola Chicago Loyola Chicago Loyola Chicago
Notre Dame 1.0 Clemson ND 61 – CLEM 57 Notre Dame Notre Dame
Washington -3.0 Washington State WASH 67 – WSU 79 Washington Washington Washington
Northwestern 11.0 Rutgers NW 73 – RUTG 77 Rutgers Northwestern

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End of the 2019 Season

What a season! My predictions were pretty terrible until the middle of the year, when I rewrote the prediction logic from the ground up before making the picks in Week 11.

Since Week 11, I picked 66% correctly against the spread, which would be hugely profitable. Weirdly, I wasn’t able to do much better picking the straight up winners.

This off season, I am going to pull in several new data sets into my prediction model, but keep most of the same logic in place. Several of my current data sets need manual intervention frequently to keep working, and my goal is to automate this completely.

While you wait for the next season, be sure to check out my NCAA Basketball picks and the MLB TweetBots!

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College Basketball 2019-2020

Now that the “big game” is over, it is time for me to shift my focus to college basketball. It seems like this year is a dumpster fire, and I have no idea if that means my predictions will be much better or much worse. Only one way to find out!

I am converting my entire process from python 2 to python 3, and I expect it to go poorly for the first few weeks. Everything should be back to normal before conference tournaments.

Good luck out there!

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